"Creating Perfect Island Weddings"


Weddings of Ancient Hawaii

by Kahu Alalani Hill


In old Hawaii Marriages were usually arranged and partners were chosen.  Great Ali’i (chiefs) were sometimes paired together with members of their own family.  This way they could insure the bloodlines and that they would be carried on.  The genealogies of the Ali'i were carefully watched and preserved.  For if they were not, they could be tainted by what was referred to as kauwa blood.  Then it would be said of a chief that we was Ali'i kauwa. One with kauwa blood was considered low like the spreading weeds and wild like the deep forest.  They would not have any high ranking and this might bring upon his death.

 In the times of the Kings, when there was a Royal Wedding, a Kahuna (Priest) would conduct the Ceremony.  Prayers would be given and offerings would be made to the Gods and Aumakua (ancestral Gods). The Kahuna would offer awa, tapa, pig, red fish and other offerings. Through this worshiping of the Gods by offerings, prayers or chants, they would ask for their Blessing upon the couple. Mana (Divine power) would be passed and Bless the two being wed.   Many times, The Kahuna (priest) would have a new part of the Heiau erected. One of them was a tapu house thatched with feathers.  It would then come down after the appointed time. Those not of high ranking still would have a Kahuna join them. Though their ceremony would differ.  In the time when Captain Cook came into Hawaii, all the people would participate by making offerings to the Gods in the shape of pigs, as well as Niu (coconuts) among other offerings.

Times have changed from long ago. We have few arranged marriages and usually marry for love.  Traditional Hawaiian Weddings and Vow-Renewals are done mostly by a Kahu a Hawaiian Minister.  A Kahu may also be initiated into the culture by a Hawaiian Church or Kahuna.  Hawaiian Ceremonies are also conducted by a select few Ministers and officiates. There is a real difference having a ceremony in Hawaii and having a Hawaiian Ceremony!  You have to really search to find the few that have been passed the protocols and carry on the Hawaiian traditions and ancient practices.

Since Christianity was introduced into Hawaii Nei in the 1800's, the worship of Hawaiian God's or Aumakua is a rare practice in regards to Weddings.  It is not forgotten though that the Ancient Hawaiian's would invoke the 40,000 Gods, The 400,000 Gods and the 4,000 Gods.   They recognized the 40 and most important to Hawaiians still today, if they follow the old ways or even learn the history, are the first 4 male Gods:  Ku, Kane, Kanaloa, and Lono.  Ku being the first.  The greatest love story of all time is Ku and Hina as the first Male and Female and the earliest Gods to the Hawaiian people.  Hina is the first Goddess and the Mother of the demi God Maui.  Ku and Hina represent the most divine love in the legends.  They represent the generations of mankind and the fruitfulness on earth.  That fruitfulness still lives today.  Ku the (rising up) can be seen everywhere in the trees that reach up to the heavens.  Hina "leaning down" can be seen in the low clinging vines and plants close to the earth, and even the branches that lean down.  Even each day reflects them and their love.  The rising up is also for the sun and the first half of the day that belongs to Ku and the second part of the day belongs to Hina as they meet up at 12:00 noon until the setting of the sun.   Many believe you can see their love making daily in the clouds and in the closest heaven in the sky and dome of Po.  This swirling of the winds are called trade winds.  These winds occur daily. The cool breath of Hina, as well the hot winds of Ku in the immediate heavens.  It is said by some that, even the waves are made bigger by Ku as he calls to Hina to come to him.  If she does not answer his call he may make strong winds, rain and even storms. The big waves are like load drums that call to her on the other side of the Island.  It is said that they are not just about generations past, but also include those now and the generations of man and womankind to come.

The Island of Maui is a place of romance and you can share in this romance through the sharing of your hearts. Whether on the beach in the morning or at sunset, let a ceremony move you to have a deeper experience here. A feeling you can take home with you in your hearts and Spirits.  Be blessed while you are here, and filled with the Spirit of Aloha.

Kuhina coordinates simple to elegant Weddings, Vow Renewals, Commitments and Honeymoon Blessings on short notice.  Kahu Alalani is a Kahuna trained Minister known globally for her heartfelt ceremonies.

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